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"Daily Life in Sierra Leone: the Sherbro in 1936-37"

..> Sierra Leone + the Sherbro Peoples
..> Economy in the 30's
..> Architecture + Construction in the 30's
..> Villages + Towns in the 30's
..> Maps + Notes
..> Site Map

Maps, Notes, and Bibliography

Text for this website was prepared by Dr. Sandra T. Barnes, Professor of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania.

Note about the photo captions: Any text with quotation marks around it was written by H. U. Hall, who spent seven months conducting research among the Sherbro-speaking peoples of the southwestern, coastal areas of Sierra Leone in 1936 and 1937. The spellings and names of chiefdoms and districts used by Hall may be different today: Some of the spellings have been updated to conform to recent orthographic conventions; where possible, both old and new spellings are provided. Also, some villages and towns, identified by Hall as being under the jurisdiction of certain chiefdoms or districts, were later placed under different administrative jurisdictions.

1. Hall, H. U., 1938, The Sherbro of Sierra Leone, Philadelphia: The University Press, University of Pennsylvania.

2. McCulloch, M., 1964, Peoples of Sierra Leone, London: International African Institute.

3. Ramsay, F. Jeffress, 1999, Global Studies: Africa, 8th edition, Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw Hill.

Maps: [click for larger images]

Sierra Leone

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