Turkey 1967 Reel 42 of 52

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:54

Film ID F16-0333
Film Description Reel 42 of 52
Unedited travelogue
Perge ruins
Aspendos ruins


Reel 42 of 52
Unedited travelogue
Perge ruins
Aspendos runis

Cat. Reel 333. 1967: Reel 42: Turkey. June 14-15. Antalya. Perga ruins.
Aspendos ruins

Wooden fishing boats (Atalya): bulbous oar handles.
Water jugs. Stone anchor. Escarpment.
Boats at harbor. Sweeps for moving large boats.
Escarpment, old stone wall (pan).
Unloading cement bags from boat.
Old 3 and 4 story houses (old Antalya).
Seljuk coppersmith hand hammering.
Stone arch bridge (outside Antalya).
Pasture outside city wall
Main gates: Arch nearly collapsed.
Two semi-circular defensive towers.
Tower interior: alcoves, carved projections that once served as capitals for columns whose bases are below.
Words carved in stone.
Ruins (Perge): street of columns, carved face (pan, cu).
Spiral column: note uniformity.
Chariot wheel grooves.
Former flowing pool or "cascade" between rows of columns.
Ruins: possibly shops.
Three carved columns.
Columns, looking toward the towers.
Tower interiors (pan).
Column base: lead socket hole, lead channel.
Ruins: shops, arches outside stadium, theatre in distance.
Theater seen over the stadium (distant).
Ruins: arched vaults of shops.
Shop interior: concave brick wall.
End of stadium: distant view.
Stadium seats (cu).
Seats, aisle.
"Steps" at rear of shops, on which stone seats rested (*see K's diagram)
Theater: outside views (pan shot).
Construction details: arches, walk.
Seats in theatre and orchestra area (pan).
Seat: note "cutaway" for feet (mcu).
Middle and upper promenade sections of seats.
Pan of orchestra area from mid promenade.
Carved foot and sandal of a lady (cu)•
Entrances to seats.
Groove in stone in seat area: possibly for a stone partition.
Carved foot.
Carvings: gods and beasts (last of Perge).
Roman bridge over Köprüçay River (en-route to Aspendos):
6 of 7 arches visible. Aspendos Theatre.
Pan shot along stage wall: carved ledges, cornices, arches, etc.
Carved stone on stage wall.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Antalya, Perga ruins, Perge ruins, Aspendos ruins, Turkish antiquities, Handcrafts